should there only be one review of each diaper? what if I had a different experience with a diaper then another mama? not that anyone needs any extra work but if there are more then one review of a diaper will mamas have to just search through all the rows or is there a way to alphabetize or something?
okay that was three questions...
Re: spreadsheet question
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
I added a couple reviews for diapers that someone else reviewed. I just added a row beneath theirs and put it there.
I think alphabetizing is a great idea though!
BFP: 2/4/13 EDD: 10/11/13
Patiently waiting for Buggirl to join me!!
Beta #1 11dpo:89 Progesterone:38.9 Beta #2 18dpo:1940
HB seen at 6w HB 8w 5d 176bpm! Its a BOY!
grow rainbow grow!!!!
All Always Welcome!!
Oh thats really nice!
I will write some fitted reviews once I don't have a 10 month old to chase around.
I think I have some odd-reviews that aren't on there yet (I bought internet cheappie pockets) that I'll try to add in the near future.
I think this is lovely
Sounds good. I've only had to put up 2 so far anyway, and they were pretty clear whether they're $ or $$$.