We've been passing what seems to be the same fever and cold around our household for a good three months now--I think we're on our 4th time getting it. One of us gets better, another gets it...that one feels better, we get a few "healthy" days, and then another one of us comes down with it. The girls have been on antibiotics and steroids for croup once each. I've disinfected and aired out the house, we wash our hands till they're raw...what else can we do?!
I'm grateful that it's nothing worse but sleeping in a chair with E, coughing for nights on end, and sitting in steamy bathrooms off and on for three months is starting to make me insane. I'm sick of Vicks, Kleenex, NyQuil, mucus, thermometers, humidifiers...all of it. Magical solution, please? Is this at all within the realm of normal? We've always been pretty healthy and this seems ridiculous!
Re: Apparently my house is a germ orgy. HELP!
Have you cleaned the little things - door handles, telephones, remote controls, etc? A lot of germs hide there. Also change your air filters if you haven't. Have your kids change clothes and really scrub their hands as soon as they get home from school/daycare.
Could be weather or could be something going around. My suggestion get lysol o any kind of disnfectant(sp) spray everything that anyone touches on a daily basis including things you don't think about. Light switches, door handles bathroom stuff etc. Also get febreze and spray sofas and the car.
Otherwise you just have to ride it out. Sorry.
This. Seems at least one of us has been sick since October.
We are swearing by these sinus rinse bottles this winter. DH and our 4 yr old DS both use them every few days. The effect is similar to a neti pot, but this squeeze bottle seems a little easier to use. DS's asthma specialist recommend it to us (since DS's asthma is triggered by illness). She gave us the tip to call it a "booger shooter" and hype up the grossness factor to make it appealing to DS and thankfully it worked! We also give DS the immunity support gummy vitamins and DH and I drink at least 2 cups of hot tea each day.
ETA the link: https://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-4298-neilmed-pharmaceuticals-original-sinus-rinse-kit?utm_source=bingshop&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=NeilMedPharmaceuticalsOriginalSinusRinseKit&utm_content=53071&utm_campaign=bingshop&site=www.bing_shopping.com&
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07