Our DD is 3 1/2...she was going potty in preschool and sometimes at home-now she's always wet in the diaper. I've tried potty treats, talking about big girls go potty in the toilet, and now I'm telling her she can have a sticker when she goes potty in the toilet. She threw a fit when she didn't get the sticker tonight.
Should I completely stop trying? She tells us when she needs a change, but makes no effort to go in the potty.
Re: back to ground zero,,,HELP please!!!!
I would 2nd this
PT'ing will never happen if you are afraid of accidents. They are going to happen, even when she's fully trained...but it's how they learn and it's their incentive to go on the potty.
Try the Gerber training pants, they are slightly absorbant and will keep the floors puddle free.
FWIW, we put DS in underwear on Monday and he had 4 accidents the first day, 2 the next and has only had 2 since then (once while playing outside, didn't make it home in time).
Bar tab = $156,000, Bus to Foxwoods = $0, Puking in the Stanley Cup = Priceless