
bedtime routine for 3 month olds

What is/was your sleep schedule for your 3 month old?  I'm reading about people with singletons with elaborate sleep routines of feeding, bath, sing, dance, read, massage, etc.  Right now, at 8ish, I change their diapers, feed, and put down to bed.  I'd love to be able to cuddle and read and all that stuff, but usually in the middle of feeding one, the other is crying.  By the time the 2nd one is done eating, the 1st is dozing.  I do sing and read to them during the day, but not at bedtime. 

What is your routine with twins?

Clomid x 2 cycles ..... BFN. 6/08 Gonal F with TI- BFN. 7/08 Gonal F #2 - IUI 7/11, BFN. 9/22/08 IUI #2 and Accupuncture - Chemical Pregnancy. 11/08 IUI #3 with accupuncture - BFN. 12/08 IUI #4 BFN. 5/09 IVF #1 ER 7/6/09, ET 7/9/09 - BFN. FET 12/18/09 - BFN IVF #2 -ER 3/6, ET 3/9, OMG - BFP!!! Beta #1 3/22 -332, Beta #2 3/24 - 701, Beta #3 - 14,889 - 1st u/s - TWINS!! SAIF ALWAYS WELCOME!!! ***Why can't 88 million sperm and 3 eggs find each other in an organ the size of a pear??*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins--not through strength but by perseverance. - H. Jackson Brown

Re: bedtime routine for 3 month olds

  • I wish we could do a book and cuddles and songs, but I just can't on the nights DH isn't home, and even when he is, it's just too much.  My LOs get too cranked up (they know it's bedtime and bottle is coming!).  They pretty much conk out right after the bottle.  So it's just bath, lotion and jammies, bottle, bed.  We read and sing and do that stuff during the day.
  • We give a bath every other night, massage with lotion after bath, change into jammies, sleep sack not zipped up, bottle & bed. Nights we don't do a bath it's change into jammies, sleep sack not zipped up, bottle, bed. We start around 7-7:30ish and they are in bed by 8pm.

    I will start reading them books when they are a bit bigger. They usually are very dozie after their bottle. I read, sing etc...during the day to them. I will eventually incorp it into our bedtime routine though.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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  • I never had a fancy routine either. We do baths every few days but it's not part of our routine. More like we say "hey our kids smell like poo. We should probably bathe them." For their last feeding of the night we'd change them into pjs, change their diapers, feed them, then hold them until they get drowsy and put them down. We do the same now except bedtime is earlier and they don't go to sleep immediately after their last feed so there is some awake time. That awake time doesn't really have a routine to it either. We just try to keep them mellow and dim the lights. Sometimes we read a book or rock or just cuddle. If I had to do the last feed by myself the same thing would happen as what the OP described - A would drift off on a boppy while B got fed.
  • We put our older DD to bed at 7pm and then we play with the girls until 7:30pm.  Then we change them, take them upstairs, feed them while we watch tv in the den, then swaddle, and put them to bed by 8:30pm.  No elaborate routine for them, and we had the same routine for our older DD.  I give the girls baths during the day and did the same for my older DD.  Once they get older we'll do baths before bed.
  • Somewhere between 6-8 we do the bath, lotion, jammies, let them play a bit, when they get tired/crusty we take them upstairs and feed them in their room (dark). Sometimes they go to sleep right off the bat and sometimes they need a little extra rocking, gripe water, soothers ... no songs or books yet. FP aquariums is about it.
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  • If its bath night we bath, lotion, pajama and bottle other nights just skip bath part and wipe faces neck etc.. We give bottle at 7:30pm so they are alseep by 8pm. When they are just about asleep we take the in room turn Twlight turtle on ceiling and turn on they Musical light thing in crib. We dont read to them at night yet, just during day.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Since about 1 month, we've been doing bottle, swaddle, books, bed. Every few nights we go a bath before the bottle. Around 3 months, we started that at 7:30pm with an 8pm bedtime. Now, we're starting at 6:30pm with a 7pm bedtime. It helps that both DH and I do bedtime together.
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