Success after IF

Where is your family from?

Me - Dad's side is Italy (Calabria and Laviano) and my mother's side is Poland (Warsaw)

DH's family is German, English, French, Irish, and Dutch!


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Re: Where is your family from?

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    Goa, India (both DH and I)
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    I'm Irish, Davez is German. (with a nip of Swedish/Norsk)

    We're a pretty good ying & yang together, opposites apart.

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    My dad's side is Italian (his dad came over from Italy when he was a teenager).  My mom's side is more of a mix but the main claim is Irish.

    DH is Italian and German with some French.


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    I'm all Norway, DH is all Welsh.
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    My Dad's side is Mexican and my Mom's is French Canadian.

    DH's family is German (his Dad was born there), and his Mom's side is mostly Irish I think. Both sides of DH's family are very small, while mine are pretty large.

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    I'm half Italian and half Irish.  We're a fiery bunch over here!

    DH is Russian and German.

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    Me - I am a mutt lol Irish, Italian, Scottish, Jewish, Irish and French. Dh is portuguese and Italian
    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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    Me: Not quite sure..Both of my parents (Mom and Dad) were adopted..I know it's so strange to have two parents that are adoptedand then meet and marry.  So we don't have any exact family history. What I do know is that they were both adopted from Jewish Adoption agencies in NYC...Neither of my parents ever wanted to look for there biological parents either...

    I have a super small family!

    DH's family: MIL is Irish and FIL is Italian...MIL found her long lost Irish cousins and some family the last time they went to Ireland..They have a super long family tree. Which I think is soo cool..Same with FIL..!!


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    My family is straight off the boat Dutch - both mom and dad.

    DH's family is Mostly German but also Indian (feather not dot - that's an inside joke). 

    We make a heck of a team.  lol! 

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    Dh is Italian and Sicilian.


    I am mostly German and Irish.
    Dec '09 IVF #1 = Epic Fail Feb '10 FET #1 = Epic Success!
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    Syria and Poland
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    I am Irish

    DH is Irish, Italian, German and Latvian 

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    I am 75% irish, 25% welsh. 

    my husband's family is from romania and israel 


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    Me: Both sides French Canadian

    DH: He's a mutt

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    Me:  Scotland, Ireland, England but we've been state side for a LOOONG time.

    DH:  Italy & Ireland.  Literally 2nd generation off the boat on both sides. 


    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
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    DH: He's a mutt

    That is pretty much what we refer to DH! He actually thought he was only German up until we met and we were talking about it at dinner with his dad! His dad got pissed when he said that since MIL is german part!

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    Me: French, Irish, and Italian

    DH: Irish, Polish, and Hungarian

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
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    A mix of French and English on all sides, for both DH and me, with a little bit of Native in my mom's ancestry.

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    My father's family is Polish, but, my dad was actually born in Russia (actually, the Ukraine, on the run from the Nazi's), although I consider him Polish anyway.

    My mother's family is from Poland (Latvia) and Hungary.

    So, I'm mostly jewish polish, with a little hungarian mixed in.

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    My family is a mix of Native American, Polish and Ugoslavian and maybe a few others I don't know.

    DHs family is from Napoli, Ireland and Germany.

    twin girls after 43 months of TTC.. Katherine Emily (5 lbs 12 oz 19 1/4 in) and Karly Elizabeth (5lbs 7 oz 19 in) imageLilypie!!My bio!! !!My Blog!! imageimage


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    Me:  Austrian, English

    DH:  English, Irish 

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    Dad's- Germany and Ireland

    Mom's- Germany

    DH is Dutch (FIL) and unknown (MIL). MIL is adopted and doesn't know about her family. I think he has some Italian in there somewhere.

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    Me: Irish

    DH: Irish, Polish, German, and some others, but those are the big ones!

    TTC#1 = Success on Cycle#19 with Clomid/trigger/b2b IUIs; beta#1 (15dpiui) 200, #2 (18dpiui) 433, #3 (22dpiui) 2356; TTC#2 = Surprise BFP 9/2009; TTC#3 = m/c at 6 wks, 10/29/11; BFP#2 4/1/2012... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    me: dominican and french    dh: italian  DD: DIP (dominican italian princess) lol  Great post!
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    Me: Mom is 100% italian and my dad is Irish and English

    DH: Mom is Italian and Polish and his dad is a "mutt" not even sure what

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    Mom's side-Scottish and Irish

    Dad's side-Italian and Polish

    DH's family is German and Greek 

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    Me: Irish and German

    DH: German and Italian 

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    Mom's - Swiss, English, Scottish

    Dad's - Swiss, English, German, Native American 

    DH - from Scotland but roots 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Scottish.  

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    My family is from NY - for at least 6 generations now

    DH was born in Scotland, moved to London as an infant and came to NY at 20.

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    Me: Irish

    DH: Irish and German

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    My mom's side is 100% Danish.  My great-grandparents were straight off the boat.  In fact, my grandmother didn't speak English until she was 3, even though she was born in the US. 

    My dad's side is Irish and English. 

    Dh's family is Irish. 

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    I'm an Ashkenazi Jewish (Eastern European) mix. 2 of 4 grandparents from the Ukraine, one from Poland (now Latvia) and not sure where my last is from but my grandma's maiden name was Stein so guessing Germany. All four grandparents born in the US so not recent generation.

    DH is 3/4 Portuguese and 1/4 Italian. His father was born in Portugal so first generation, maternal grandparents were born in the US.

    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
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    me- 100% German

    DH- 25% German 75% Polish

    Married 8.13.2005, M/C 12/8/06- 5 weeks, M/C 2/27/07- 7 weeks, M/C w/ D&C 8/10/09-6.5 weeks *Charles Lawrence born 5/2/08 @ 3:14am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5 inches. Clomid, Crinone and baby aspirin. *Alexandra Claire born 9/14/10 @ 9:52am 6lb 14oz, 20.5 inches. Femara, Crinone and baby aspirin. Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    I am Romanian. I was born in Romania.

    DH is Jordanian. He was born here, but parents were born in Jordan.

    We hope DS learns both languages because we are both fluent in our own language.

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    Me: both parents from kerala,India Dh: Dutch and austrian
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    I'm very WASPy.  Mostly English - I am a direct decendent of Miles Standish straight off the Mayflower (14th great-grandfather), and a direct decendent of Roger Williams, who founded Rhode Island (12th great-uncle). This is on my dad's mom's side is mostly English as well.

    DH is Swedish/Polish on his mom's side (great-grandparents straight from there), and English/French Canadian on his dad's side.

    Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
    LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
    LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
    Life is beautiful!

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    Both of my parents were Irish (hence the gaelic screenname!).  DH's parents were both born here but all his grandparents were Italian.
    TTC since September '08 After 2 m/c - lap for stage 3-4 endo Oct '09 Bravelle w/Ovidrel trigger - iui on 11/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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