
To VBAC or not?

I know I have forever and a day to decide this, but the doctor did bring it up today while I was in for my first appointment.  I had a C Section with Samuel because after almost 20 some hours of pitocin I hadn't made any progress.  I can't remember exactly, but I don't think I got past 1 cm. 

I have been doing some reading, but it seems to be very difficult to find a source that isn't biased one way or the other. 

Anyone done a VBAC and have some insight into your decision?  Or not done one and want to share why?

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Re: To VBAC or not?

  • I'll agree it's very hard to find unbiased info out there! is a good place to start.  Even the ACOG has recently revised their VBAC guidelines so you could check out their website.  I'm very pro-vbac for a ton of reasons but I know everyone has to make their own choice. 

    I had a VBAC.  My first pg was a csection from a failed induction (pretty typical story-baby didn't tolerate the pit contractions very well, hr dropped, csection it is).  I won't go into my long story about why I think my induction was unnecessary and why I think my OB pushed me to do it...that can be for another day. :)

    I had a much more relaxed pg the second time around, as well as a supportive OB, hospital, and staff.  My VBAC was successful and I'll just say I don't regret it at all.  The recovery was about 1000x times easier and the experience was so much more enjoyable. 

    It sounds like you are a good candidate and that your doctor is supportive, so that's a great first step!  Good Luck with your decision!!

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • aim for a vbac and if you dont' go into labor on your own, it wasn't meant to be.
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  • I tried for a vbac but wound up with a repeat c/s.  I'm glad I tried anyway.  Just remember that your gut feeling about it is probably the right answer for you, either way you decide.  And remember that even though you may plan and hope for a vbac, sh*t happens and it might not work out that way.  

    And don't feel like it's early, hell I walked into my OB office for my first appt and told him I wanted a vbac LOL  It helps to have the docs & nurses know the game plan - I was in L&D after I fell and they didn't try to stop my contrax because I wanted to vbac.  I did also ask at the OB office if anyone there had done a vbac, one of the OBs and 2 nurses had, so I talked to them about it.  It helps to have real life opinions ;-)

  • I had such a bad experience with my c-section with DD1 that I was asking about a vbac before I left the hospital. I tried for a vbac with DD2. For various reasons, my OB wouldn't let me go past my due date, so she was born via repeat c-section 2 days late.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imagecrazynervous:
    aim for a vbac and if you dont' go into labor on your own, it wasn't meant to be.
     That is what I did.
    Fortunate to be a SAHM to my 3 musketeers (5/2006, 5/2010 & 12/2011). Soy & dairy free for the 3rd and final time. Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
  • imageBride2b2004:
    aim for a vbac and if you dont' go into labor on your own, it wasn't meant to be.
     That is what I did.


    Exactly what I did.  I ended up with a csection for my 2nd.  :-)

     (My first birth story was similiar to yours except I went to 10 cm and pushed for two hours before the csection)

  • Two VBACs here and I am so glad that I tried it.  For me, it was a MUCH easier recovery and I couldn't imagine chasing after 1 (or 2!) toddlers while recovering from major surgery.  To be honest, I didn't do that much research on the subject, it was just something that I knew that I wanted.  I'm all about avoiding surgery if at all possible.  I had a miserable labor and delivery experience with my first and my third was a breeze.  (Number 2 came alarmingly fast and I didn't have time to get my epidural!).  GL!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I had a c/s the first time because ds was breech, so for ds2 I had a vbac.  It was a great experience and the recovery time was much easier for me.  I intend to have another vbac this time.  Let me know if you have any specific questions, have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
    Kelly Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I do not regret my vbac. Honestly I don't see any drawbacks to having one if you're a good candidate. I highly recommend finding your local ICAN group to see what OBs near you will *really* support a vbac (some say they do but they really don't - at least around here. And that sucks.)

    Oh, and there's a VBAC board if you haven't been already.

    - Jena
  • Thanks everyone!  

    I should have realized there would be a VBAC board.  There's a board for everything now!   

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  • I wanted to a VBAC with my second just born a little over two weeks ago.  Around 20 weeks I just couldn't push past the thought that "what if" my uterus ruptures..and baby is without I decided for a repeat C/S.  Now of course I know there could be a ton of complications with a c/s too especially for me, but for whatever reason (probably because I had already had a c/s and relatively easy recovery) I just felt more comfortable.  Anyhow fast forward to 39 weeks and the day of my repeat c/ doctor came into recovery after the surgery and told me that it was an extremely good thing that I had a c/s because part of my uterus was extremely thin.  My doc is not one to blow things out of proportion (just the opposite--very relaxed---no worries everything will be fine..on board with vbac or repeat c/s) so it really freaked me out.  Of course I know it does happen, but when you are told it could have been a reality for you it is even scarier.  Just go with your momma insticts and try and educate yourself, and talk it over with your doc!
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