Alabama Babies

NBR: A funny story

I had something funny happen to me today.  I'll just say I am glad I have a pretty good sense of humor because I could only imagine what someone who didn't have one would have done. Oh and let me say ahead of time, this is not meant to be offensive to adults who can not read.  If I knew an adult in that situation I would praise them too. 

A had PT this morning, and we are trying something new with the therapist taking her back by herself because she does more of what she needs to do if I'm not in there distracting her.  So I sit in the waiting area.  

I have a grad class that is centered around children's literature.  I have a semester long project where part of it is reading 36 childrens books.  Well I am currently reading a Junie B. Jones book and so I had that with me today while I was waiting.  Didn't think a thing about it.

This nice little old lady who I have seen in there a couple of times, because her husband is doing therapy at the adult section of the place, was sitting next to me.  After about 15 minutes of me reading, she said "I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just have to commend you."  I was a bit confused and I said "I'm sorry I don't understand."  She then said "You are such a brave woman.  Learning to read at your age has to be a tough thing to do."   I was a bit speechless for  a second then I just smiled and said "Ma'am I'm sorry to confuse you.  I know how to read, have for many many years.  I'm a grad student and one of my classes is a childrens literature class and we are required to read so many books for the class."  Bless her heart she was all apologetic to me, but I told her no worries I can understand how it looked lol. 

I think I'll just take my Mary Higgins Clark book when I go Monday :)  

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