It's hard to describe. His morning diaper (from the night time) smells like a barn. It really smells as though there is poo in there, but there's not. I think I've read that its "normal" for AM dipes to smell?
The diaper he has on now smells....a little ammonia-ish a little barn like. So, this is confusing to me. I wish I could have one of you guys do a smell test for me .
Should I strip? Wahhhhh!
My wash routine:
About 9-10 diapers (BGs and FBs) and 9-13 inserts together. Cold double rinse. Hot wash with 2.75 tablespoons of RnG. Double cold rinse.
What should I do now??
Re: Ugh. My diapers!
I just can't put my finger on the smell. They smell a little more barn-ish than anything. Don't you think 2.75 tablespoons with my load should be enough? I have a HE top loading washer. If they are smelling barn-ish, I'd have to use more detergent...and that would mean about 3-4 tablespoons....sounds like a lot to me.
I can try the bleach. Just wondering if I am doing something wrong. I think actually BG recommends 1/4 cup of bleach once a month. How does the bleach routine work? Do I do it with the RnG?
I had to give up on RnG to get rid of our stink issues. I tried different amounts of detergent, and it just never worked for us. His overnight diapers would smell like a skunk in the morning, it was awful! We switched back to Planet and haven't had any issues. I know RnG works for a lot of people, it just didn't for us.
Thanks. I use a towel to trick the washer. Maybe I should try a warm rinse. I think I'm going to do a RnG soak tonight.
I should probably strip then, huh?
Thanks! A soak it is!
Do you do any cold rinses?
we have an HE top loader and nasty hard water (stupid city for putting so much crap in it!). i had to start using close to 3TBS of hard rock or they stunk.
my usual wash routine is cold rinse no spin, then a warm wash/warm rinse with about 1.5TBS hard rock (i usually do a pre soak as well), then a hot wash/cold rinse with another 1.5TBS hard rock (add a pre soak and extra rinse to this cycle as well)