Cloth Diapering

Ugh. My diapers!

It's hard to describe. His morning diaper (from the night time) smells like a barn. It really smells as though there is poo in there, but there's not. I think I've read that its "normal" for AM dipes to smell?

The diaper he has on now smells....a little ammonia-ish a little barn like. So, this is confusing to me. I wish I could have one of you guys do a smell test for me Stick out tongue.

Should I strip? Wahhhhh!

My wash routine:

About 9-10 diapers (BGs and FBs) and 9-13 inserts together. Cold double rinse. Hot wash with 2.75 tablespoons of RnG. Double cold rinse.

What should I do now??

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Re: Ugh. My diapers!

  • An ammonia smell in the morning is normal. DDs diaper always stinks of ammonia in the morning. When mine started to smell barnish during the day, it was bc I needed to use more detergent. I upped my RnG from 1tbsp to 1 1/2tbsp and that did the trick. Id say youre using too much detergent but that wouldnt make sense since it stinks like a barn. I'd try bleach if I were you. Make sure you rinse rinse rinse to get that bleach out though! You can try Oxiclean first too. Good luck!
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  • I just can't put my finger on the smell. They smell a little more barn-ish than anything. Don't you think 2.75 tablespoons with my load should be enough? I have a HE top loading washer. If they are smelling barn-ish, I'd have to use more detergent...and that would mean about 3-4 tablespoons....sounds like a lot to me.

    I can try the bleach. Just wondering if I am doing something wrong. I think actually BG recommends 1/4 cup of bleach once a month. How does the bleach routine work? Do I do it with the RnG?

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  • I had to give up on RnG to get rid of our stink issues.  I tried different amounts of detergent, and it just never worked for us.  His overnight diapers would smell like a skunk in the morning, it was awful!  We switched back to Planet and haven't had any issues.  I know RnG works for a lot of people, it just didn't for us.

    DS1 5/2010, DS2 11/2012
  • I think you may be using too much detergent. I use 1 tbsp of RnG in my HE front loader for 3 days worth of diapers. Her overnights do smell ammoniaish in the morning, but nothing else smells.
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  • i add vinegar and borax and have no smell.
  • imageCassie730:
    Sometimes with HE washers you need to add more water. Have you paused it during a wash cycle and taken a look in to see how much water is in there? The diaper absorb so much water during washing sometimes adding some more water can help. Also- maybe a warm or hot rinse/soak instead of 4 cold rinses??


    Thanks. I use a towel to trick the washer. Maybe I should try a warm rinse. I think I'm going to do a RnG soak tonight.

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  • imageNikki1007:
    I think you may be using too much detergent. I use 1 tbsp of RnG in my HE front loader for 3 days worth of diapers. Her overnights do smell ammoniaish in the morning, but nothing else smells.


    I should probably strip then, huh?

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  • imageCassie730:

    Sometimes with HE washers you need to add more water. Have you paused it during a wash cycle and taken a look in to see how much water is in there? The diaper absorb so much water during washing sometimes adding some more water can help. Also- maybe a warm or hot rinse/soak instead of 4 cold rinses??


    Thanks. I use a towel to trick the washer. Maybe I should try a warm rinse. I think I'm going to do a RnG soak tonight.


    Try a good soak. I have an HE top loader and sometimes I evem do a hot soak in my bath tub. Also- I would try a good soak and warm/hot rinses before stripping. Stripping can be harsh too and if you're not having repelling problems then the build up might not be bad or might not even be the problem. GL! I battled stinky diapes once but luckily haven't had the problem since then! I added an extra hot rinse cycle and my problem is gone.


    Thanks! A soak it is!

    Do you do any cold rinses?

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  • we have an HE top loader and nasty hard water (stupid city for putting so much crap in it!).  i had to start using close to 3TBS of hard rock or they stunk.

    my usual wash routine is cold rinse no spin, then a warm wash/warm rinse with about 1.5TBS hard rock (i usually do a pre soak as well), then a hot wash/cold rinse with another 1.5TBS hard rock (add a pre soak and extra rinse to this cycle as well) 

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