Cloth Diapering

do you always add dawn to wash if diaper came in contact with diaper cream?

I want to do this correctlty, can dawn in wash damage the diapers at all?

Re: do you always add dawn to wash if diaper came in contact with diaper cream?

  • my cds have come in contact with aquaphor and desitin a number of times and I have not done anything differently and they work just fine.  I know that this is not true for everyone though but I would only do it to fix a problem, not prevent.
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  • imageNicoleR524:
    my cds have come in contact with aquaphor and desitin a number of times and I have not done anything differently and they work just fine.  I know that this is not true for everyone though but I would only do it to fix a problem, not prevent.
    do you use natural fabric or synthetic?  I am using fuzzibunz with fleece so I don't know if that will cause more of an issue.
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  • i use both, my pockets are mostly FB's and I have not had any problems.  I don't know if its a combination of detergent, washing machine, # of rinses, etc... and I should jinx myself but I've done a lot of things "wrong" and not had issues.  If you are worried and haven't washed the diaper yet, I would do a couple extra rinse cycles before doing the dawn thing.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker BFP#1 10/26/09 EDD 7/4/10 Beautiful Baby Boy born 2 weeks late 7/16/10 BFP#2 8/23/11 EDD 5/11/12 Natural Miscarriage @ 6 weeks BFP#3 5/22/12 EDD 2/10/13 Stick Baby!
  • you only use dawn if you need to strip
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