did anyone have a shower when their kids were close in age? and did you expect it or not? DS#1 will be 19 months old when the LO is born.
we don't really NEED anything other than a double stroller, new car seat, crib ... because everything else (clothes, etc) is gender neutral (team green both times), but i dont know if i should get my hopes up for a shower from either side, or just start saving to buy it all on our own?? i hate to sound "selfish" because that's not me at all... but it's something i think about, and kind of worry about. thought i would see what everyone else has experienced.
thanks ladies.
Re: to expect it or not??
This. I also wouldn't hold my breath for a shower since your first baby isn't even two years old yet.
No shower for the 2nd and I didn't expect one either. 2nd (3rd or 4th, etc) showers are "not done" in my family or circle of friends.
You know your family/friends better than anyone. What has happened in the past with other mom's of more than 1? That should give you a clue as to whether someone might offer to host a shower for you. I guess I would plan to buy anything I might need and if someone does offer to host a shower or sprinkle then great. Most 2nd (and beyond) showers that I've ever attended it seems like people just bought diapers, clothes and a few other small things.