I have no problem with repeating things a few times-- they are little, after all. But when I am saying the same thing for the 7th and 8th time in 30 minutes, I start to lose it and yell.
I've done the 'no distractions, look at me' thing. I make sure that they are paying attention before I say something. I will take away a toy to get them focused so that their attention isn't divided.
It's gotten worse because it's been snowing for ages and way too cold for them outside, and there are only so many things that we can do outside the house (finances and time). K is getting a huge molar and I am suffering from a kidney stone. My house is trashed because I've been trying to entertain them. They are acting like little asylum inmates and someone is going to get hurt from the NOT LISTENING.
Re: How to get these kids to LISTEN?