
surgery tomorrow, please pray for me

I am still posting under another name as I am having a hard time dealing with my breast cancer diagnois and prefer to keep things more private.  I have surgery tomorrow for bilateral mastecomy and reconstruction.  I am so scared....please if you are spiritual at all, pray for me and my family.  I have a long road ahead of me and I want nothing more than to be healthy and here to raise my young son. 

I would also ask that you schedule your mammogram and have all the other important women in your life do the same.  Breast cancer is a horrible disease. 

If you don't know my story, it's on my blog:

 Thank you in advance for any prayers you can offer.  I have never had to ask strangers for prayer but right now I would ask anyone to pray for me....this is so scary.

Re: surgery tomorrow, please pray for me

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