I kept meaning to post but the previous post made me think.. what should I get a 2 yr old boy for a party this saturday? I thought about just a giftcard to walmart or target so the parents could get him something (since he's too young to know) and there's ALWAYS stuff we need/want for our kids... I'm against books because Bella has SO many so I assume they do too... any other ideas?
Re: Birthday gift for 2 yr old?
I like the activity pass idea...
Also, legos (the bigger ones...Duplo), puzzles, Lincoln Logs, etc.
TTC/PG Blog | Mommy Blog
at such a young age i still like the savings bond idea for college. also the zoo/museum pass posted below too
otherwise if you go to babycheapskate.com there was a post for gifts by age group if you do a search, it was in December...
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
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