
Breastfeeding a Preemie

Anyone having problems breastfeeding thier preemie?

29w6d (she is actually 6 weeks now) and not wanting to breastfeed.  she is taking the bottle, but when I get her home, I would rather breastfeed than pump...any suggestions?  is it too late to try to breastfeed?  or will the bottle/nipple confusion be there? 

(PS) she hasn't been bottlefeeding, but for a few weeks, prior to this she was tube feeding.

Re: Breastfeeding a Preemie

  • I had 27 weekers. They were not allowed to bottle feed until 34 weeks adjusted. They are 38 weeks as of yesterday and this past weekend was the first good nursing session for Sophia.  Ella is still tube fed but we plan to do the same for her. They said everything is still new and learning so it will definately be hard but it is not because of the bottle confussion but more so that they are preemies and everything is a bit harder to learn than full term babies.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • My LO (27 weeker) came home doing both breast & bottle but I didn't want to do the nurse/bottle/pump/wash everything and start I committed to just breast - over a few days with no distractions and no bottle - just on demand, as much as possible, and waking LO during feeds by changing diaper in the middle.  It was a tough few days, but I'm so thankful I did it.  Good luck. 
    Mom to 4 boys under age 6 Evan, Darren, Liam & Isaac
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