I made really good friends with a family in the NICU, their son was born almost a month after my daughter at 29wks 6 days. My dd was a 28weeker and being a month ahead of him we were able to share insight about what they would be going through. We formed an amazing friendship and their son was doing so well! We left the NICU on January 1st but he is still there. Last week he went to nippling and then to x4 per day! All of a sudden he caught a cold and they couldn't figure out how to help him. He had to be placed on the vent two days later and within 36 hours he left to be with god. Now I know his parents are in so much pain, but I can't stop crying for them. I don't know what to do, there is nothing I can do to help them- they must grieve on their own- but I just feel so guilty. Here my daughter is, doing so well and their little man just left so suddenly. I hate it, I'm so angry with how everything happened! and I don't want to be a constant reminder of that pain for them. I also don't want to be bummed out since I have three of my own babies to care for.
Is it normal to be so sad? Will this guilt pass?
Re: Devistated
Yes, of course it is normal to be sad. I'm sorry to hear about your friends son. It is so, so difficult to see people lose their children, and it is even worse in the NICU, because you form such close relationships. I'm sure many can relate; I personally have know several families who lost their babies after a long NICU stay. It's just not fair, and so, so sad.