Went for a blood test this morning to confirm. It looks
like my baby boy will have a new brother or sister before
he turns one. Feeling a bit sheepish and so not looking
forward to the "don't you know where they come from"
comments from my family.
I am happy about the little surprise so hopefully
everyone else will get on board.
Re: Looks like 2u1
Congrats! We have 2u1 here (well techncically, 12.5 months) and we're having a ton of fun. My DS is having such a fun time being a big brother-he helps give her a bottle, pats her back when she needs to burp, and brings his toys over and puts them in her lap. It's adorable and really enjoyable to watch them interact together. Since he was so young, the transition has been really smooth and there's no jealousy at all. He just thinks mama brought home a fun new toy.
I never got the "don't you know where they come from" comment. I thought my family was going to make comments, but everyone ended up being excited for us. Your family might just surprise you.
Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.