Not too shabby at all. Too bad they butchered the spelling for Natalie, but it could've been worse, I 'spose. I prefer Sage on a girl (I know 2 around my age), but it's definitely unisex. I kinda like it.
I babysit a two year old boy named Sage... His mother is Japanese - it's pronounced SEIJU in Japanese. But, it translates in English to Sage. It's common enough, but still compliments her ethnicity.
Re: My Son's Preschool Class
Pretty good overall actually! I've seen much much worse. Some aren' tmy style at all but at least they're spelled right/close to right.
I've never heard of Elita. I can't say sure for sure if Natalee is a cr8tive spelling because I've seen it that way more than once.
Not too bad. The only Sage I know is a girl, guess it's unisex? Not sure why they had to butcher Natalie...LOL.
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Actually, it's an herb.