When I look at my boys IRL I cannot imagine that they're identical. When I look at pictures I can't imagine they're fraternal!
Isn't it amazing how their personalities really have an affect on their appearances.... Good news is my parents have some extra moola (finally sold a property!) and were talking about paying for genetic testing for the boys! So I can finally stop wondering!
Re: Pictures vs. real babies
I feel the same way except I feel like mine have days where they look a lot alike and days where I think they could not look more different. Like yours though, they do tend to look more alike in pictures than I think they do in person.
I just mailed off my testing kit last week and I cannot wait to get it back. It's crazy, I have spent almost 10 months not knowing but now just a few days are killing me! I can't wait to just know!
girl, you are nuts!
okay, granted, i haven't seen them in person, but i'll eat a sock if the DNA test comes back saying they're fraternal.
(same with 2shihtzus, for that matter, based on that sig pic!)
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Haha! I will agree that my boys do look a lot alike in my sig pic but they really do not look anywhere near that alike in other pictures or real life (at least in my opinion). I don't know how to PIP or I would post another picture - especially since I do value your opinion since I know you are the go to person for the confirmation!
I'll be sure to post an update when we get the results back so you will know if you will have to dine on socks for dinner one night. 
I'm with Pea-kay- those are some ID babies! And even if they aren't, you can totally claim them as such.
I overheard some lady at lunch this weekend point out my boys to her friend.
Aww, look at the cute babies.
Oh, two! Do you think they're twins?
I don't know. They don't look alike.
That just about broke my heart. Sniff, yes they are twins.
Ha! just totally lol-ed and my mom stopped what she was doing to ask why I was laughing at my computer
See that's the thing I look at 2shihtzus and think what whacko obviously her boys are ID!!!!
My guys weight has evened out which has really made them look a lot more a like to me... and now well peakay I have to do the test just for the chance of sock eating...