Since K was 14 weeks old she has been going to a sitter who is a SAHM who happens to live nextdoor. It's been a wonderful situation... she goes there 3 full days a week... and we feel super lucky... Kennedy loves going over there and the sitter's son is her best friend. After #2 is born, we've already talked to them about watching the new baby as well as Kennedy.
But, at the same time, I'm seriously considering sending K to a half-day pre-school program at our church. I feel like she needs more structure and more socialization at her age than what she is getting. Kennedy is VERY active and has a very short attention span. I'm not sure if this is normal for her age or not, but I've had a couple people suggest that a more structured environment like a pre-school might benefit her.
So... if any of you have your LO's in preschool, can you tell a difference once they started? What kind of activities do they do in pre school? How did they adjust, or have they always gone?
At least if we do decide to enroll, K would only be going there in the mornings and then would still go to the same sitter in the afternoons, so hopefully it wouldn't disrupt her too much. She wouldn't be able to start until the fall.
Re: Torn over sitter vs. preschool