February 2011 Moms

It's almost 4am and pregnancy rhinitis has me by the BALLS.

Had I any, anyway.

I've been up since 2:45am with this garbage. I actually think my children gave me a lovely sinus infection because when I blow my nose, bright green comes out. :( 

I had some diphenhydramine that was RX'd to me in the start of the pregnancy (literally, when I was 6wks) for pregnancy rhinitis, but I decided to get out my handy little Pill Book to just double check it's okay, and surprise! Diphenhydramine is NOT okay in the last 3 months of pregnancy because it can give babies severe allergic reactions to antihistamines as newborns! So I turned to my good old Pseudoephedrine (reg. Sudafed, NOT PE) and checked it out, and thankfully that's just fine- and no drowsiness, which is great because I have to get up for church in 4 hours and the diphenhydramine would have made me sleepy for 6hours.

So at least my time awake here might benefit someone here.  Diphenhydramine: NOT okay. Sudafed: OKAY. I'm seriously hoping that when I deliver this baby this pregnancy rhinitis will leave and not become chronic rhinitis. :( You know, just like how it's rare but can happen that gestational diabetes can become regular diabetes? Yeah, here's a prayer sent up that's not me.

Sudafed's kicking in now, I can start to breathe a little better now. That's my cue, see you ladies on the flip side. 

CafeMom Tickers

Re: It's almost 4am and pregnancy rhinitis has me by the BALLS.

  • Oh Tiffany -- if only we were in the same time zone you and I would've been up suffering together.  I've had a cold since Weds night and every day I think I'm going to start feeling better but I don't.  I called my OB's answering service yesterday and the dr on call called me back and said the only thing I could take was Actifed.  It helped but only lasts 6ish hours so I was up for a while in the middle of the night, too.  Plus (long story short) we don't have a bed at the moment so we're sleeping in the guest room and I must have been driving DH nuts with the snoring as he got up and moved to the couch at some point.  Poor guy.  Although he's the one who gave me the cold so I can't feel too bad...

    BTW, my dr (GP, not OB) diagnosed me with chronic rhinitis about a year ago and gave me nasal spray to take every day.  I'm not convinced that I really had/have chronic rhinitis, but the nasal spray definitely worked, whatever it was (probably not pregnancy-app'd but in case you still have it PP).  And I'm a huge fan of the neti pot, too, if you haven't given that a try yet. 

    Anyway, hope you got some sleep and are feeling better!

  • Uggggh sucks feel like that this far in! I had a little bit of a sore throat before bed but I wouldn't even udder the words. I was sick over New Years and I'd hurl myself off a tall building if I got it again. ((Not to mention I'm delivering on Friday.))  Feel better!! 
    Nicole, Mommy to baby Jordan Santiago born 3-31-06 and Isabella Grace born 1/28/2011 image
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  • I finally did go back to sleep around 5am. And my baby shower was today so I went looking like POOP! But I had fun, and I'm going to take some sudafed  tonight BEFORE bed and hope that helps me sleep some. It doesn't help with congestion but at least I can breathe.

    I have a Neti Pot, but I'm scared to use it. Though if I wake up with more green stuff pouring out my nasal cavities, I think I'll hit that bad boy up.

    CafeMom Tickers
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