I know it's still cold. Wondering what I can do that is worth it with DD?
I used to live outside the city last year we took her to the swan boat and the ducklings to take pictures, we were there for a family event so we did not have that much time. I'm trying to think of toddler friendly things since when I lived there I did not have DD. I was thinking about these please rate them 1-5 5 being great.
1. Aquarium
2. childrens museum
3. science museum
4. chunky cheese
5. other please share your favorite place to take LO ?
Re: Coming to visit in March
All are great, 5s, except Chuck E Cheese, 1. My DS loves the aquarium we take him all the time. Penguins, fish tanks, seals...can't beat it. My nephew is in love with going to chuck E Cheese, makes me sick...too noisy for little ones, expensive, gross food, etc.
Have fun, bundle up!