we want to take both sets of g-parents on vacation this fall. We're open to anything, and only have a few requirements. All the grandparents like to golf. they're older so they don't want a lot of walking, AKA Disney. We'd love to rent a house, but would take a really nice hotel. We live in MI and are open to flying or driving wherever we go. Money isn't really an issue, but let's not go crazy. I haven't been on vacation since my honeymoon!! OK, go ahead and plan my trip!
1. kid friendly
2. warm
3. beach access
4. within the US/ puerto rico
5. not disney.
Re: I need vacation ideas.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Check out www.packlate.com
I've never used them, but saw an article about them in a Consumer Reports magazine. You can book houses/condos, etc for relatively cheap. I think they had some places in NC.
Good luck and enjoy!