MIL is hosting a co-ed shower for my SIL and asked me to plan a game called "Mommy and Daddy's Secrets". Here is a description of the game:
If you?re looking for a fun, yet touching, baby shower game for your coed baby shower, you?re in luck (though you can always adjust the game to fit a shower just for the girls). Ask the mom and dad for answers to twenty questions?make sure to do this with the significant other nowhere in sight! Some great questions include, ?Where were you when you heard the news?? ?Do you want a girl or boy?? and ?If you could have your way, what would you want your child to be when he or she grows up?? After you quiz each and record their answers, bring both into the room and put the future parents on the hot spot one at a time. Ask each to guess the answer their partner gave to each question?before polling the audience to see who thinks the answer is correct. Everyone?s a winner with this lively game!
I need help coming up with more questions. Any ideas?
Re: baby shower game
We did something similar at my SIL's wedding shower. It was played more like a Newlyweds type game, and he wasn't present for it. Ahead of time, he was asked some questions. I don't think 20. Maybe 10 or 12? My SIL was asked the same questions in front of all the guests. She had to guess what his answers were. I *think* we had a little card to play along.
I can't remember exactly how it went down, but there were prizes involved maybe for the guest who got the most right?
It was fun, and no one got up and left. I think the questions were a little silly, though, and not as much sentimental like they would be at a baby shower.
If any questions pop into my head, I'll come back and post them, but I'm not having much luck right now. Have fun with it!
They may start, if you have a long winded game asking them to analyze answers about a baby that is not even there yet.
The host and the parents will (of course) think this is a delightful idea. But keep in mind that all these people gave up their time and money to come to this shower. They may want to converse with each other in normal conversations not related to babies at some point.
Could you just do 10 questions instead of 20? It will help you not to have to come up with as many and it will speed things up a bit at the shower so your guests don't lose interest.
Here's a good daddy-stumper.... "What's baby's due date?" ;-)
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Sounds like a lot of fun (and laughs). I think some people just aren't into games. Myself - I love them and every shower (bridal or baby) I've ever hosted has games. I have never heard a guest yet make a negative comment about playing the game (at the shower anyway). If they don't come to a future shower because there are games it would be their loss (and rather immature). JMO
Sorry...I don't have any good questions I can think of right now. We did something similar but it was about the mom and dad-to-be when they were babies (how much they weighed, how long they were, what time they were born, etc). You could have them estimate (or guess) those questions about their own baby.
Actual questions? Well, maybe things like:
"What was your almost name? (if it's picked out)" or "What was the name if your baby was a boy instead of a girl (or vice versa)?" "Who has freaked out more during the pregnancy?" "Name the mom's strangest craving to date" etc.
Although I agree with other posters that 10 is probably a good number to end at.
Hope this helps!