
Milk intolerance?

My LO has been very gassy and fussy the pass week. She is breastfed and formula fed because of being a preemie. Today I noticed her BM was very mucusy. I looked up online and the only thing that I could find that made some sense is milk intolerance. Her father has a milk sensativity and my first DD had a milk sensitivity when she was a toddler that she grew out of. Do you ladies think I should cut out milk from my diet until I can talk to the doctor on Monday? I don't feel this requires a call into the doctor on call. Does anyone have any experience with a milk sensitivity while breastfeeding?

Re: Milk intolerance?

  • My 35 weeker has the milk sensitivity.  He had extremely mucously and bloody stools that ended up getting him readmitted to the hospital at @11 days old.  Within a day or so of my cutting out the milk and soy from my diet, he was all clear and has never had a recurrence since my diet was straightened out.  There is some lag time while the milk proteins get out of your system, but you should see a difference pretty quickly.  The Pedi says that we can try to reintroduce milk in my diet at @9 mo.  I hope this helps. 
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  • We just learned that that could be the reason for DDs colic so I just started cutting diary/soy/egg out of my diet. It's hard but hoping to see a difference! We also started DD on a probiotic called BioGaia.
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