Cloth Diapering

Poopy aplix?

We've been doing great CDing my almost 3 week old so far. I was nervous about figuring out laundry but it's been working, with a few small exceptions. We only have a few aplix dipes and a couple times I've pulled them out of the washer and they have yellow (EBF) poo still stuck in the aplix that's come open from the laundry tabs while washing. This is with a pre-rinse, longest washer cycle, and extra rinse afterwards. I scrubbed it out with an old toothbrush but this is not something I'd like to do every wash cycle. Please help!

Re: Poopy aplix?

  • I spray the diapers. I was already spraying my toddler's diaper so I just sprayed the baby's too. I don't know if that helps but it works very well for us.
    2007 BFP#1 MMC 12w; 2008 BFP#2 DS1; 2010 BFP#3 DS2; 2011 TTC; 2013 Pursuing DIA
  • We haven't got our sprayer yet since I didn't think I'd need it, but I might have to try that. Thanks!!
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