Hi I've never posted on this board before but I've lurked a LOT. Can you guys tell me if this is a reasonable size NB stash? I don't want to spend a whole lot since I don't really know how long baby will wear them, but I'd rather skip using disposables entirely.
19 prefolds
4 Thirsties covers
2 BG 3.0 xs AIOs
Tell me if I'm missing anything!
Re: Enough dipes in NB stash
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama
I would buy another 10 prefolds myself. That is a fair newborn stash, but you might have some days where you don't get to the laundry. You will appreciate a small buffer on a rough early day. Prefolds are very inexpensive and come in handy later.
Also, are you using cloth wipes? Not sure if you already have pail liners, wet bags, and a couple of Snappis.
I think I'll keep my eye out for a good deal on prefolds or the kissaluvs. The thirsties covers are xs but that should last until my one size diapers fit. Right?
I was going to order wipes wetbags and a couple hanging laundry bags when I finished my stash to save on shipping. Oh and I already have 1 snappi. Do you think I need more? I was mainly planning to do a trifold in the cover thing.
As others have mentioned, more prefolds are a good idea. They also come in handy as burp cloths and doublers once you outgrow the preemie or infant size. Plus you can always use them again if you plan on having more children. They work for stuffing in pocket diapers too.
You may also want another cover or two, since newborns' poop tends to be pretty liquid-y and not stay put nicely in the prefold.
Thirsties XS covers are rated to about 12 pounds, which is when most one-size diapers start fitting decently. The one-sizes may fit before then, but tend to be pretty bulky.
If you're on a budget the packages of baby washcloths from the big box stores work fine for wipes. Wipes solution is a topic in itself...
I personally don't like the trifolded prefold in a cover--using a snappi creates a more snug fit that helps keep everything contained (see above--liquid poop!).
Hope that helps!
I have a few snappies (3 I think) - since I know what my house is like I know that they will do their best to disappear and I would rather have extra than have to tri-fold.
I think (as others mentioned) that pre-folds have their uses after baby grows out of them, so it isn't so bad to have more of them, even if they are only used for a little while.
I have a lot of other diapers in my NB stash... but partly because I wanted to try out a variety before I invested in the "long-term" CDs... so I have some XS and S Fuzzibuns, some Kissaluv 0s, some little joeys, etc. But I am already worried that I wasted my money on the lil joeys, since LO is predicted to be big... I am holding on to at least one pack unopened until I know the size (and the others will probably stay unprepped, they are just out of the cardboard wrapper that they come in as a pair from showing them to people asking about our stash.)
Anyway... I would maybe get another 12 prefolds and maybe 1-2 more snappis if it were me.