
Need opinions please PIP

I bought Charlotte a PBK jewelry box on clearance and it came today.  When I opened it up I immediately looked at the ballerina and she looks topless!  There is no difference in the skin tone anywhere on her top half.  I looked at the website and it appears there is an obvious difference to show she is wearing a top.  Here is the pic from the site:



And here is the one we received (sorry it is a crappy BB pic):


What do you think?  I feel funny calling PBK and telling them they sent us a topless ballerina jewelry box, but it just looks weird.  Thoughts?

Re: Need opinions please PIP

  • I don't think it is a big deal and I doubt your dd will notice. If you are that unhappy with it though, I'd just take it back. I think it would be different if she had obvious nipples or something, but what you posted I am not sure I'd even notice if you didn't point it out!


  • I wouldn't be that concerned about it unless you paid quite a bit for it.  If you got it for a good clearance price just let it go, I really probably wouldn't have noticed.
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  • Like pp saidif your not happy with it take it back....ooorrr if your feeling crafty you could get a thin art paint brush and paint it to match the jewelry box or C's room

    Scarlett Madison-12-18-2014
    Baby # 3 Due 06/02/16

    Furchildren include
    Kali 12/20/10-Husky-Has Addison's Disease.
    Doxie 10/04/11-Dachsund
    Tadley 11/12-Cat Ruler of the house.
  • She does look like she is missing her top, lol.  I have bought PBK clearance before that is only a few dollars cheaper than normal px.  In this case, a few dollars cheaper wouldn't cut it for me since your item seems damaged and I would ask for an exchange or refund.  Or, if you got a great deal, you could try a DIY fix.  

    I have a love/hate relationship with pbk.  I love the way their products look and I buy a lot of stuff there for that reason.  However, I am often disappointed in some of the quality (esp. considering price) and I am often completely astounded by their lack of customer service.... so be prepared for that if you end up deciding to contact them. 

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  • FWIW we got a laugh out of it.  I probably will paint the top on b/c the jewelry box is cute otherwise-I need it b/c I have all these little bows for Charlotte and need a home....
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