do you always put them in the same order? My mom brought it to my attention that in all our pics Lily is on the left and Hannah is on the right, with my siggy pic being the exception. I went back and looked and she is totally right. My mom said it was weird to see Hannah on the Now we have just continued to put Lily on the left since. Anyone else find they do this???
Re: When you take pics of your multiples...
when they were babies- yes, i almost always had Gibby on the left and Gray on the right- b/c i was setting them down... and that's the way they were in my belly (from my view at least).
but once they were mobile- i didn't care b/c i was just happy to have them in the same picture at all!
Pretty much this.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I did this because they are ID and were soooo hard to tell apart for the first 3yrs. Its only been in the last year that they have started looking different.
It was easier to get in the habit of having one always on the right/left than to try and figure out who is who once the picture was taken.
Yes, we do. We did this from the beginning. Lauren (L) is always on the Left. And Kate on the right. Their breastmilk/formula ratios were always different. Kate is my tiny one and she needs more calories. Since the Dr. Brown's bottle all look alike, it was our way of keeping the bottles in order.
It helped the nurses in the NICU know which side of the fridge to grab their food from. The nurses would have all of Laurens stuff on the left side of cabinets, etc..... diapers, etc. (the girls even wear different size diapers and it help us stay organized.)
So we usually have them this way in planned pics too.