I do know there is a MOMS club, and you can find them on Meet up. The organizer was Jennifer C.... Not sure how to spell her last name. Its for SAHMs, not sure if you are. I tried to be part of the group, but I travel often and watch my nephews so I think I didn't qualify due to lack of availability.
I'm not sure if there are any other Mom groups in the area though. Funny that you posted this today, I haven't logged on here in months and this was waiting for me when I did today.
I live near you and I'm due the month after you. Did you find any local groups?
I did find the MOMS club on Meetup.com. I sent an inquiry and got the following reply:
"Hi Cherilyn, Our group just started with Meetup.com. We have been around for 10 years. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday the 26th at 9:30. We have crafts available and swapping budget ideas. If you can come, let me know and I can give you more details. Jennifer Dolan, President MOMS Club of Belvidere Area"
I just started a Music Together Class with my son on Wednesdays at 10AM in Phillipsburg so unfortunately I won't be able to check this out. I sent a reply to find out if they always meet on Weds so we'll see.
So far that is all I found. Well actually there are more MOMS clubs (Hackettstown, Liberty and I think another once close). From what I hear if you don't really connect with anyone at one group you try another . Check out Meetup.com
Thank you Jenny. I actually stumbled upon this group myself and am thinking of checking them out. Curious though, would they not let you be a part of the group because you have stuff going on? Also if you wouldn't mind sharing, what was your impression of the group?
Thank you Jenny. I actually stumbled upon this group myself and am thinking of checking them out. Curious though, would they not let you be a part of the group because you have stuff going on? Also if you wouldn't mind sharing, what was your impression of the group?
Well I think you have to go to a certain amount of meetings, and I think that my schedule was so busy that I just couldn't go. I also travel to MD a lot to see my family, so many weekends I just can't do, which makes me available only Wednesdays and Fridays mostly.
I only went once, and the ladies seemed very nice, there were only 3 of them there, but there were many more that were part of the group. My little girl was only about 3 months old and the kids that were there were toddlers and up, so I felt a little out of place. I also didn't know anyone so it was hard to keep up with conversation at times. I wouldn't steer you away at all though, I'm sure it was just me. Actually I'm glad you mentioned about going to a group in a different area. My best friend just became a mom and I would love to be in a group with her but we live in different towns, so you gave me hope for when she is ready.
There was one thing that bothered me though. One of the Moms was about to give birth and they were talking about how they bring meals to women in the group who have newborns. I'm all one for giving, I love giving, more than receiving, but being new, not knowing anyone, I felt like it was a little much to be asking of me(that was the impression that I got, no one outright said "what are you making")
I thought, I can barely make dinner for my family after watching SIL's kids for 10 hours 3 days a week, how am I supposed to make dinner for someone else, and have it be something they like when I don't even know them? I guess I was just overwhelmed and had I been able to go to another meeting and meet more people it may have been a better experience.
Good luck though, if you hook up with the Belvidere area, let me know how it goes, maybe I'll try there.
Thanks to you both for the info. I'm expecting my first and it sounds like the women in these groups are already moms so I will probably wait.
Jenny - your story scared me a little. I get a lot of that in the workplace - being hit up for donations to help people in the office that I don't know very well. It usually starts with well-meaning do-gooders who get carried away. I will check out meetup thought.
Thanks to you both for the info. I'm expecting my first and it sounds like the women in these groups are already moms so I will probably wait.
Jenny - your story scared me a little. I get a lot of that in the workplace - being hit up for donations to help people in the office that I don't know very well. It usually starts with well-meaning do-gooders who get carried away. I will check out meetup thought.
Don't be too scared, it was just my experience one time, and it may have just been the way I read people, which can be completely wrong. Women in this area have babies all the time, so there may be some new Moms in that group as well. You should give it a try with an open mind, you may really like it, and I'd hate to be the reason that you miss out on being a part of it.
Good luck! When are you due? Have you decided on a hospital?
Re: Mom groups Washington/Belvidere area?
I do know there is a MOMS club, and you can find them on Meet up. The organizer was Jennifer C.... Not sure how to spell her last name. Its for SAHMs, not sure if you are. I tried to be part of the group, but I travel often and watch my nephews so I think I didn't qualify due to lack of availability.
I'm not sure if there are any other Mom groups in the area though. Funny that you posted this today, I haven't logged on here in months and this was waiting for me when I did today.
I did find the MOMS club on Meetup.com. I sent an inquiry and got the following reply:
"Hi Cherilyn, Our group just started with Meetup.com. We have
been around for 10 years. Our next meeting will be held on
Wednesday the 26th at 9:30. We have crafts available and
swapping budget ideas. If you can come, let me know and I can
give you more details. Jennifer Dolan, President MOMS Club of
Belvidere Area"
I just started a Music Together Class with my son on Wednesdays at 10AM in Phillipsburg so unfortunately I won't be able to check this out. I sent a reply to find out if they always meet on Weds so we'll see.
So far that is all I found. Well actually there are more MOMS clubs (Hackettstown, Liberty and I think another once close). From what I hear if you don't really connect with anyone at one group you try another . Check out Meetup.com
i will let you know if I find anything else.
Well I think you have to go to a certain amount of meetings, and I think that my schedule was so busy that I just couldn't go. I also travel to MD a lot to see my family, so many weekends I just can't do, which makes me available only Wednesdays and Fridays mostly.
I only went once, and the ladies seemed very nice, there were only 3 of them there, but there were many more that were part of the group. My little girl was only about 3 months old and the kids that were there were toddlers and up, so I felt a little out of place. I also didn't know anyone so it was hard to keep up with conversation at times. I wouldn't steer you away at all though, I'm sure it was just me. Actually I'm glad you mentioned about going to a group in a different area. My best friend just became a mom and I would love to be in a group with her but we live in different towns, so you gave me hope for when she is ready.
There was one thing that bothered me though. One of the Moms was about to give birth and they were talking about how they bring meals to women in the group who have newborns. I'm all one for giving, I love giving, more than receiving, but being new, not knowing anyone, I felt like it was a little much to be asking of me(that was the impression that I got, no one outright said "what are you making")
I thought, I can barely make dinner for my family after watching SIL's kids for 10 hours 3 days a week, how am I supposed to make dinner for someone else, and have it be something they like when I don't even know them? I guess I was just overwhelmed and had I been able to go to another meeting and meet more people it may have been a better experience.
Good luck though, if you hook up with the Belvidere area, let me know how it goes, maybe I'll try there.
Thanks to you both for the info. I'm expecting my first and it sounds like the women in these groups are already moms so I will probably wait.
Jenny - your story scared me a little. I get a lot of that in the workplace - being hit up for donations to help people in the office that I don't know very well. It usually starts with well-meaning do-gooders who get carried away. I will check out meetup thought.
Don't be too scared, it was just my experience one time, and it may have just been the way I read people, which can be completely wrong. Women in this area have babies all the time, so there may be some new Moms in that group as well. You should give it a try with an open mind, you may really like it, and I'd hate to be the reason that you miss out on being a part of it.
Good luck! When are you due? Have you decided on a hospital?