My 6 y/o asks about Jesus all the time and I try to answer his questions to the best of my ability.
He wants to know if Jesus was real, if he was nice to people, if he was a good guy, if he helped feed hungry people, etc. I explain to him that yes, Jesus was a real person who did nice things for other people. But, my answers are never enough and he pushes for more and more.
He wants me to help find him some books about Jesus and I have no objections to that at all. However, I'm just not sure how to present the story of the historical Jesus to him without confusing him with the theological stuff.
Any ideas or suggestions? Resources? How would you approach this with your child?
Re: Question for those of you who are not Christian:
Sam has no idea who he was LOL Ummmm I guess maybe in this case I'd find a UU church and see if anyone has recs?? What about the chick who married you guys ? Hang at the library for a while & read up to find appropriate books for him?
Also, whatever you end up doing, let me know 'cause Sam likely won't be far behind on this one.
Today he yelled angrily at me, "I believe in everything that you and dad don't believe in! I believe in Jesus and the cross and in heaven!"
Welcome to living in the Bible belt, eh?
I don't have these, but I found them on Amazon. Sorry I can't make them clicky
We do have this one. It has really simple stories that explain the basic meaning of the Bible stories. It is a good place to start with the children.
I think it's kind of like's comfort for kids (and adults). I don't know what advice to give you as I'm Christian, but I think that's why kids are drawn to the concept of Jesus.
I tell my DD that Jesus is a man that some people believe was the child of God, born of Mary. I tell her that many people pray to him, including her teachers (at religious school). I don't care if she becomes a Christian, good for her. I also teach her about mythology and get books out of the library about everything from Shintoism to the Amish. Being educated never hurt anyone, except the oppressed.
We have the story of Jesus from little golden books. It is pretty cute.