

I just found out I have gestational diabetes. I will meet with an endocrinologist next week, but in the meantime, I'm just wondering if any of you ladies that have had gd could give me some insight? What is the diet like? How often did you have to check your blood sugar? Did you have to take insulin? Thanks!

Re: GD

  • I took my blood sugar 4X/day.  It was a pain because you really were scheduled with eating and taking your blood sugar.  When I was on bedrest I really hated it.  If I wanted to nap I had to do that inbetween eating and taking my blood sugar.  My diet if I remember correctly was 45 carbs b-fast, 60 lunch and 45 dinner.  I then could have 2 snacks of 30 carbs each.  I found that for lunch I could have a whopper jr. (not every day) and it worked great.  So the Whopper was a nice treat.  I also found this great milk for people with diabetes, but I can't for the life of me remember the name.  PM me if you have more questions.     
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  • Oh and no I did not have to take insulin, but I did have to take Glyburide (spelling?) 2X a day.  And the milk is called Hood. 
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  • I have GD but I'm only on a diet were I have to eat every 2 hrs and the portions have to be measured. It's not really that bad, as far as what I can and cannot eat. My husband has been monitoring my foods and cooking for me and hes an amazing cook and the foods are good. I have the e-book of the foods I'm allowed to eat and the servings given to me by the diabetic specialist,  if you like me to email it to you. The restrictions are not that strict, the importance is cutting back on the carbs and maintaining your 2400 calories. I failed my 3 hour GD by only 1-2 points so they just put me in the diet. I've been on it for little over a week now and my blood sugar has been normal. :) I also test 4 times a day. They give you a schedule sheet when to test.
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  • Thank you for  your responses!

    bellasmom, I sent you a pm with my email if you could send me that info, thanks!!

  • I also had GD. I had to check my blood sugar levels upon waking and then 2 hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner - so 4x/day. I strictly followed the diet, but it didn't work. I chose to do insulin instead of Glyburide. I didn't like that Glyburide crosses the placenta and there's not much research on the effects on the babies. My DH didn't want me on Glyburide because the dosage cannot be controlled as well as it can with insulin and he's treated many pg women who passed out when their levels crashed (he's a doctor). I had my insulin levels increased several times and was very closely monitored by MFM and worked with a dietician as well.

    The diet really isn't that bad. The High Risk board has lots of women that also have GD and can share snack and meal ideas. Foods that some women can have will cause others sugar levels to skyrocket. Unlike pp, there's no way I could have eaten a burger. The diet consists of counting carbs and eating snacks and meals that are a balance of proteins, carbs and fats. Once you get used to it, its pretty easy. 

    Let me know if you need food suggestions. I was anal about sticking to the diet and kept a food log.


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