
How soon can I re-color my hair?

About 3 weeks ago I was bored and decided to go light brown after being blonde for 35 years. Well, I hate it. I thought that it might grow on me but it hasn't. I want to go back to blonde but didn't know if it was too soon. Should I wait a few more weeks or do you think it would be okay to do it now? fwiw: i color my hair at home.

edited because I can't spell

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Re: How soon can I re-color my hair?

  • If you try to color it blond right now, I don't think you're going to get your desired result. Did you do a wash out, grow out, or fade out color?
  • I would wait 4-6 weeks in between coloring
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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  • It is fine to color again. You might have to do it a few times before you get the blond you had before. Have you ever tried a brown that had red in it? I bet that would look nice.
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • I also color at home. My last two go arounds, I didn't like the first color, so I made an emergency trip to the store (with hat) to get another color. It's probably not the ideal way to do it, but I've had worse. The only suggestion I can make is that since you are going from dark to light, make gradual steps. If you try to put platinum over brown, it usually turns some form of orange.
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