Things are not looking good. I have gall stones in my gall bladder. I knew something was wrong when I was experiencing sharp pains in my right upper abdomen. They would go away after a couple hours.
No decisions made yet, but I have a feeling I'm going to end up with surgery no matter what. I'm really wondering how this will affect my ability to have a TOL and possible VBA2C.
I'm really frustrated b/c gall bladder issues typically occur in obese people who eat too much fat. I'm a healthy 30 year old woman weighing in prior to preg at 157 and 5"7", completely healthy weight. I don't have a fatty diet and this is probably all rated to hormone up and downs and close pregnancies.
So anyone have gall bladder issues?
Re: Taking Deep Breaths
Gall bladder issues are very common during pregnancy. I had gall bladder attacks throughout my pregnancy with DD and i am about the same size as you. Luckily your doc caught it, mine didn't so i had attacks all pregnancy and after. I had mine out a year ago, when my DD was 5 months and ended up in the hospital for 5 days, not the best experience in my life.
I have friend who had the same issue and she had to wait about 6 weeks after she had her baby to have her gall bladder out. I am pretty sure she had a vaginal birth and had no problems during labor.
Some tips try best as you can to stay away from spicy and fatty foods. The gall bladder assists in digesting food and gives extra bile to the stomach to digest the foods that are harder to digest. Just try to watch what causes you to have attacks and try to avoid it in the future.
It sucks to have to deal with this on top of being pregnant but it is pretty normal.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)