I am 22 weeks with twins and just developed a roundish vein in my groin opposed to a straight blue vein like in your arms, legs, etc. It also is bruised around it. I did not bump it on anything. It is tender to the touch like a bruise. Anyone experience anything like this? Could it be from the pressure of the twins? I asked about it at my ultrasound yesterday and he said it didnt look like anything to be concerned with and to just keep an eye on it. Debating whether or not to see my obgyn. Any input would be helpful. Thanks.
Re: swollen veins in groin while preg (may be TMI)
I mainly lurk here, but I wanted to comment.
I'm 23 weeks with twins and have been having a lot of pain in that area. My doctor checked for varicose veins (I didn't have any that she could see) and when she described what they would look like, it sounds a lot like what you're describing.