Baby Names

Well, what do you think?

I'm so sick of not having a name for LO that I'm ready to go with DH's favorite.

Axel West Isaac

1st name is family, 1st mn is family, 2nd mn is my fav, but not a front runner fn for DH 

Fyi, we aren't concerned with a fn reminder of Axel Rose :)

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Re: Well, what do you think?

  • While I'm a fan of unique names I can't say I like Axel much. It just seems like you're trying too hard to be cool- kind of along the same lines as Cash, kwim?

     Congrats on deciding, though.


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  • I'm actually OK with Axel. I don't care for West and Isaac is a great name. He would certainly not have to share his name with anyone in his class, that's for sure.
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  • Axel as a fn is nms.  I would go for Isaac Axel West or Weston Isaac. 

    Are you set on the idea of 2 mn's?

    It seems like you're trying to honor all of these family names into one LO's you plan to have more children, you could save a name or two for then.  Not trying to be rude it just sounds forced.

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  • imageManderlin923:

    While I'm a fan of unique names I can't say I like Axel much. It just seems like you're trying too hard to be cool- kind of along the same lines as Cash, kwim?

     Congrats on deciding, though.


    Haha, sometimes I wonder if "cool" is DH's angle and he's just buttering me up with "it's a family name" cause it's my side of the fam ;)

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  • I've said it before but we had a dog Axel growing up. Every time we called for him it sounded like we were yelling A$$hole. Besides that I agree it sounds like one of those "trying to hard" hard names. Sorry.
  • I was really suprised to see how popular Axel was in our province/area last year. NMS, but if it's a family name it makes it better.
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  • imageAmymichelle925:

    Axel as a fn is nms.  I would go for Isaac Axel West or Weston Isaac. 

    Are you set on the idea of 2 mn's?

    It seems like you're trying to honor all of these family names into one LO's you plan to have more children, you could save a name or two for then.  Not trying to be rude it just sounds forced.

    West is definalty an honor and will be somewhere in the name. Axel is a cousin's name that DH really likes, not so much an honor. I really like the meaning of Isaac (laughter). I feel like it's too long tho...

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  • What about Weston Isaac or Wesley Isaac?


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  • imagegreenhope:

    While I'm a fan of unique names I can't say I like Axel much. It just seems like you're trying too hard to be cool- kind of along the same lines as Cash, kwim?

     Congrats on deciding, though.


    Haha, sometimes I wonder if "cool" is DH's angle and he's just buttering me up with "it's a family name" cause it's my side of the fam ;)

    I would accuse him of that and then try to get him to compromise into changing the order of the 3 names.  My husband has totally been trying to sneak some "cool" names in there and I can never tell if he's joking or just trying to warm me up to them.  Yes, someone named Blade is probably a total bada$$, but that is not going to be my child's name.

    I agree with PP that Axel has a ring to it that you are trying to be cool.  Even if you don't mind the Axel Rose connection, that's probably what the majority of people are going to jump to when they hear it the first time.

  • I actually like Axel, and feel that it is a legit name. It's not one that i would neccessarily gravitate towards, but I don't think it's tacky or weird by any means. I think it kind of has a fun Euro flair to it, personally.

    I think the name works, but might have a stronger rythm with 1 middle name. And, though I really like the name Isaac, I think the sounds within West complement Axel better.

  • I think Axel is horrible.

    I love West and Isaac!

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  • Axel's not bad, but I hate West.  I like Isaac.
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  • Axel and West are NMS, but I LOVE Isaac. If you want to use all three names in one name, how about Isaac Axel West? In general I'm not a fun of double middle names, but I like that they all have special meaning to you. Good luck deciding!

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  • Isaac is really the only one I like of those three.  West is okay as a MN.  I don't like Axel,  I either think Axel Rose or an axel, the part of a car. 
  • Strongly dislike Axel. That's a part of a car.

    West is NMS but okay.

    I love Isaac.

    So, since Isaac is only the second mn, I'd have to give the name overall a thumbs down. If it were Isaac West Axel I'd be all for it. 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • imagejenna0627:
    I've said it before but we had a dog Axel growing up. Every time we called for him it sounded like we were yelling A$$hole. Besides that I agree it sounds like one of those "trying to hard" hard names. Sorry.

    Ohhh ouch. yeah, it probably would sound like @sshole when you're calling for him... 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • I feel like your setting your kid up for a lifetime of  answering-"Your parents were Guns & Roses fans, right?"

    I like West, which surprises me because usually I'm more classic/traditional names for boys.

    West(or Weston/Westley) Isaac.

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  • Isaac West ... maybe?





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  • My roommate and I made up names when we were drunk one night in college and our guy friend decided on Axel.  I just texted her to reminisce about that b/c of your post!

    Anyway, Axel is NMS but I like West and love Isaac.

  • imageManderlin923:

    What about Weston Isaac or Wesley Isaac?


    I like this..

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