
We are moving forward, again

Oh happy day!  We got the DNA test results back and it is as we hoped, this guy who filed the suit is NOT the father and we can proceed on with the adoption.  Two weeks until the TPR hearing, our baby will be six weeks then.  I do wish that we didn't have this extra weight but there is certainly a greater power at play here and it is a miracle that I have been able to remain so strong throughout.

It was great to reconnect with BM over this assuring news.  We have traded some emails but I think we needed a little distance while we each dealt with our own emotions.  So, two weeks, two more weeks until the supreme feeling of officially being a parent!!  I'm nervous to jinx it somehow even thought I know that isn't how things work!

Re: We are moving forward, again

  • Wonderful news!  I hope the next two weeks pass quickly without any delays!
  • That's fantastic news!!  I hope those two weeks fly by!
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  • Awesome!  I hope these two weeks fly!
    TTC #1 since 12/07 SA 9/08=borderline normal HSG 1/09 found R tube blocked Multiple IUIs both with oral and injectible drugs from 2/09-2/11 Started domestic adoption process in 5/10, homestudy complete 9/10 Failed adoption after home with baby for 2 weeks 11/10 Blessed through the miracle of private adoption with a son, born 6/6/11 (his grandma's bday) 7lbs 9oz 20.5 inches long! So worth the wait!
  • YAY! I am so happy to hear this! May the next 2 weeks fly by!
    Photobucket My Favorite Part of Spring~Red Sox Baseball!
  • That is great news!  Good luck.
  • oh my gosh wonderful news!
    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
  • I am so happy to hear that the results worked out!  Here's to a your soon-to-be-official family! 
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