Baby Names

Interesting Discussion of Gender Neutral Names

I think this is interesting.  I have a feminine first name and have never received mail addressed to Dear Sir, so this was something I had never considered.  (Aside, I have a grandmother named Genevieve who goes by Gen--she sometimes gets mail addressed to Dear General Lastname offering her military-related materials, which is pretty funny.)

Re: Interesting Discussion of Gender Neutral Names

  • This is the main reason I have an issue with neutral names! At my work I deal with names of people that I've never met, and it is really awkward to contact or refer to someone that you can't tell their gender. It's very important to me that someone would know my child's gender just by looking at his/her name. Also, many times people with neutral first names are forced to always use their middle name (ie: I worked with a male Shannon who had to put Shannon Michael on his business cards or people thought he was female).
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  • My husband and I have a similar issue with our last name.  My husband is part chinese, and we have a Chinese last name.   People always assume I'm an asian woman (I have  blonde hair and blue eyes).

    Mind you, neither one of us speak ANY chinese, and both grew up in California.  We constantly get mail sent to us printed only in Chinese, that we can't read.  At first it was hilarious but now it is just annoying.

    Stephanie Hsu
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  • Interesting.  I have a gender neutral name (with several variations on spelling) and I've never recieved anything addressed to Mr. ____.  It's actually never been a problem.  Other than in first grade when there was a boy with my name in my class, and the other kids laughed because we had the same named (spelled differently).

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  • I have a gender neutral name and I get this all the time.  It doesn't bother me.  It's kind of funny sometimes and a good way to tell if the person calling me is a telemarketer!  I did put my middle name on my resume for a long time, but I dropped it in favor of my maiden name, so now I have nothing to indicate I'm a woman.
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