
Letdown is too fast....HELP!

Poor DS....he is so tired of getting shot in the face with milk everytime I nurse him on the left side.  That is the only side that I have a super fast letdown and he gets drowned every time...sometimes I have to change him and myself.  He can't stay latched on for more than a couple of seconds bc it is so fast.  Does anyone have any tips on ways to make the fast letdown stop?  TIA

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Re: Letdown is too fast....HELP!

  • A big pain, in my opinion, but my books suggest pumping out a little at the beginning before starting to nurse. I have the same problem but have not done anything about it at this point.
  • imageCoxin05:
    A big pain, in my opinion, but my books suggest pumping out a little at the beginning before starting to nurse. I have the same problem but have not done anything about it at this point.

    This.  Or you can stimulate until let down starts and hand express into a burp cloth until it isn't as forceful.

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  • you can also try leaning as far back as you can when it happens so LO is almost above the breast rather than below to slow the flow.
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  • I've actually been grabbing a breast milk storage bottle before most nursing sessions and when LO pulls off because the flow is too fast I hand express some into the bottle.  I was doing this into a burp cloth, but now I avoid extra laundry AND get to save the milk.
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