We have septic so we aren't supposed to use powdered detergents in our laundry. I am googling now to read about what detergents to try with CDs and it seems like the popular ones are powders. Does anyone use liquid detergents with success? Ideally we'd use the same detergent for everything (diapers and clothes, etc.). Are there any additional steps to take when washing with liquid vs. powder?
Re: Liquid detergent users?
The main concern over powder detergent in a septic is that it can clump together and cause clogs . Consider it like making hot chocolate and not stirring it well enough. You get a clump of powder/mush. Same principal.
Even though they say "safe for septics" on the package, flushable wipes, inserts, even tampons are not good to be flushed because of how long they take to break down and could cause clogs as well. Since we had our septic redone about 2 years ago, we don't flush anything more than pee, poop & toilet paper. We have a trash with a swinging lid that fits grocery store bags. It's right next to the toilet and gets changed every 3/4 days. We don't have any stink issues which was one of my concerns when we first started doing it that way.
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