Ugh..i think my little guy is addicted to it during the night. He has started to suck on his fingers and hands so i'm hoping this will be the key to helping him go back to sleep on his own.
How did you go about taking it away? I'm up alot with him during the night putting this thing back in. he doesn't take it during the day and doesn't like it unless he is very tired and ready for bed. I've tried to not give it to him but he cries until i give it up.
Last night he woke at 2:30, 3 and 3:15 so i fed him and he sucked down 6 oz in like 15 mins!!! So he was hungry last night. I haven't given him a bottle in the middle of the night in weeks! But he still woke up about an hour after that looking for the binky.
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Takng Paci away
I took it away during the day since they didnt use it much then, and never gave it back- they honestly forgot about it in a day or two. The first day of naps was rough, the first few nights were a little rough- but since we took away that we offered them a little security blanket, stuffed animal, and seahorse so they are able to associate these things with sleep now.
Our nights have gotten sooo much better. I really didnt think it would be this easy. Once you take it away- dont give it back or it will just confuse them.
Over the past few weeks, they are able to self settle on their own (for the most part) I go in to their room initially and then wait about 5 minutes if need be, but at this point they really dont cry that long anymore.
We tried to go cold turkey around 4 months because I was going in so often at night. Keira is esp. addicted. She had really bad gas and reflux and I think the paci helped soothe her. It was a nightmare and she cried for over an hour 3x night both nights and then we gave it back. We only let them have it for naps, bedtime and in the car. I finally got wubbanubs and pinned them to their sleep sacks with diaper pins. Within 2 weeks they were both STTN. I know I'll have to break them of it at some point, but I was just going back to work at that point, so I NEEDED more I'll put it off as long as I can.
Love the "paci fairy" though!