James Dennis has arrived. I was induced Saturday night. Contractions started not long after midnight and came on pretty strong through out the night. I hit about 2 cm dilated and couldn't handle it any longer and received my epidural. What a heaven sent! I had contractions nice and steady from midnight Sunday morning till around 1 pm Sunday, and started pushing when I hit 10 cm. It took a long while to push, 4 hours to be exact, but with a little vacumming James joined the world at 5:39 pm on Sunday January 16, 2011.
He weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He is the most wonderful thing in the world, just getting use to all the changes and not worrying constantly about his every move, breath and so on. " mce_src="
Re: Please welcome, James Dennis
He's beautiful! Congratulations!
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3