
If you were on tocolytics?

How long after they took you off them did you deliver?  I've been on terbutaline since 29wks and my Dr is planning on taking me off them next week- 36wks.  So I was wondering what other women's experiences were, and see what I should be prepared for.


BFP 4/22/09, Missed M/C on 6/9, D & C on 6/11 @ 11wks- trisomy 16 BFP 11/19/09 -CP 11/23/09 BFP 1/16/2010- m/c 1/29/2010, low progesterone BFP 6/13/2010 = twins!!! Lilypie First Birthday tickers</a

Re: If you were on tocolytics?

  • I was on Nifedipine every 4 hours from around 27 weeks until 35 weeks, when my doctor took me off of them.  I made it to 36w6d, but I delivered due to BP and cord/growth issues - I never went into actual labor.

    Good luck, and congrats on making it to 35 weeks so far, that's great!

  • I was on terbutaline for a bit and stopped at 31 weeks. Didn't deliver until my water broke at 37w3d. GL!
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  • I was also on nifidipine every 4 hours until 36 weeks, I didn't go into labor until 38 weeks when my water broke. 
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had my last dose at noon at 36w0d, and had the babies by c/s a bit after 6 pm that evening. 

    Don't let that scare you though -- as you can see from the PPs, some ladies go quite a while after stopping the meds before delivering!

    My doctors had a hard time getting/keeping my PTL under control (5 weeks straight of mag sulfate in addition to terb shots, oral terb, and oral nifetapine, then weaned back to just oral terb and nifetapine with the occasional terb shot, then just oral terb and nifetapine).  With my OB's approval, by 35w, I was having to take extra oral doses of terb to keep my contractions to 5 or 6 an hour.  At 35w6d, I was 2-3 cm dilated and still having 6-8 contractions an hour even with my meds.  I was hospitalized that evening due to bleeding and the contractions.  By the time my OB decided it was "go time" the next day, I was about 5 cm dilated.  (We knew it would be a c/s though because A was breech and B was transverse). I might very well have had the babies within a day or so even if I had been on the meds!

    Congrats on making it this far!

    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • Thanks everyone, I guess it could go either way. 
    BFP 4/22/09, Missed M/C on 6/9, D & C on 6/11 @ 11wks- trisomy 16 BFP 11/19/09 -CP 11/23/09 BFP 1/16/2010- m/c 1/29/2010, low progesterone BFP 6/13/2010 = twins!!! Lilypie First Birthday tickers</a
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