Cloth Diapering

if you make your own please come in

Do you make yours with snaps? And if so, what tool do you use to set the snaps? I am considering getting one of the heavy-duty setting toold (like We R memory for its long reach) Just curious what method you use.


Also- what material do you use?

Momma to four, and we're expecting one more!


Re: if you make your own please come in

  • i use snap pliers and i got them from  i get my snaps from there too
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageemolee84:
    i use snap pliers and i got them from  i get my snaps from there too

    This. Except for snaps, I got some direct from KAM, but I'm also part of a co-op that gets snaps at bulk rates (10% discount) and with cheaper shipping. I'm not sure if it's OK to post co-ops here? Well, here is the link: Someone tell me please if it's against the rules Smile

    For fabric, lots of options...

    - Waterproof/water resistant exterior for pockets/covers: PUL (Joann's, Hancock Fabrics, or online), fleece (same -- may need to use two layers of the cheaper fleece that you buy in stores), wool (thrift store sweaters -- only for use in covers, not pockets)

    - Stay dry interiors for pockets or fitteds: Alova suedecloth (Joann's), butter suedecloth (Hancock Fabrics), microfleece (online)

    - Absorbent layers for pocket inserts or fitteds or prefolds: anything cotton! I've used store-bought flannel, old sheets, old t-shirts, old receiving blankets, you name it. You can also buy fancier materials like bamboo or hemp online.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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  • Thank you for the tips ladies!
    Momma to four, and we're expecting one more!

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