TTC after 35

Major Meltdown!

My mother just pushed and pushed and pushed and I tried not to get upset but in the end I exploded big time!!! 

She just doesn't get it.  She really cannot relate to me and how I feel about my infertility issues and the side effects and the all the meds I have to take just to attempt TTC.  She does not understand PCOS and I feel she always give me "suggestions" on what herbs and vitamins to take.  As we all know...if the answer was that simple we would not have this board and we would not be seeing REs and dropping wads of cash on trying to having babies!  

I try not to tell her too much but every so often I let her in and reveal somethings that are going on and I then regret it.  I even told her how alone I feel in this journey since I do not have any friends who have this issue who might be able to truly relate to me. My mother totally doesn't relate to me and most of my friends are either pregnant or trying.  I told Mom that I just want her to LISTEN and not make suggestions (AKA tell me what I should be doing).  I want to have a baby with DH- we want to have a baby together- but its just not as simple as ovulate and have sex.

Ugh!! It's so emotionally draining!! 

Re: Major Meltdown!

  • Sorry you're dealing with this...people can be very insensitive sometimes. They think it's just like you said, "oh relax and it will happen..." probably the most irritating thing someone can say. Good luck to you!
  • I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. I had similar issues with my mom after having 2 miscarriages she would say the stupidest things or offer advice that was irrelevant. Plus I had no friends going through the same things at all and felt very alone. Try to stay positive and know that you are doing all that you can.
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  • that sucks. I know what you mean though..
    I find myself telling my mom less and less about what is going on with us TTC.  She tells me that I worry too much about it and take it too seriously and that we should just 'let it happen'.  I hate it when she says things like that-- she has NO IDEA how hard this is to deal with.  She had 4 babies by the time she was 30!!  so I really dont want to hear her 'advice'!!

    Know that you are not alone in dealing with these issues!!  ((hug))

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am sorry you are going thru this.  I can understand how you feel.  Although my mom means well, if I had a penny for every time she said "you just have to relax"....I would be rich.  Hang in there.
    Married 5/12/07 Took 3 IUIs and 2 IVFs for our sweet boy He was worth the wait! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I am so sorry and that is why decided to tell none of our parents. my mom is very opinionated and frankly I love her to death but I could here her telling me bhow crazy we are at this stage of our lives wanting a child...etc....I know moms mean well but sometimes they are over the top. Venting is good, we all do it so feel free and I hope it made you feel better.
  • I'm sorry about your mom and I do hope that the light will shine and she will be there to listen. You are in my thoughts
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