so far i have dr. support

i'm not too far along yet and i have JUST requested my files from my first delivery, but i have seen 2 out of 4 of the docs in my practice and both of them are supportive of VBAC.  i guess i was just surprised because i assumed, from reading many posts on this board, that most doctors were still against it.  maybe it depends what part of the country you are in? 

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Re: so far i have dr. support

  • It depends on your provider and your hospital, and some areas have more supportive providers than others. I am always wary of taking a doctor's word for it that they "allow" or "support" VBAC, and I would check with your local ICAN if you have one, or ask them point-blank if they can provide their VBAC rates. Most of the docs that deliver at the closest hospital to me don't do VBAC, and the few that claim to are known to bait and switch, and actually have very low VBAC rates.
  • imageLittleEgypt:
    It depends on your provider and your hospital, and some areas have more supportive providers than others. I am always wary of taking a doctor's word for it that they "allow" or "support" VBAC, and I would check with your local ICAN if you have one, or ask them point-blank if they can provide their VBAC rates. Most of the docs that deliver at the closest hospital to me don't do VBAC, and the few that claim to are known to bait and switch, and actually have very low VBAC rates.

    thanks for the response.  i went on my local site and it seems the most recent data that they have is from 2006.  it seems really outdated... 

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  • I know that it does, in part, depend on the part of the country that you are in. I live in Louisiana and we have the lowest VBAC average in the country and the 3rd highest c/s rate in the country (this is from that same outdated data that you were referring to, but it is the most recent that I could find).

    When I spoke to my OB about VBAC at one of my pp appts my OB told that most women here simply don't even want to try to VBAC. I have 2 friends (one has already given birth with the same OB that I see and the other is currently pregnant) who are both aware of VBAC but are both scheduling RCS without really considering any alternative. My OB even brought up the possibility of a VBAC to my friend and didn't even consider it. I do know that there are some OBs around here who are VBAC friendly and think that part of the reasoning for the low VBAC rate around here is that women are just uneducated to the reality of a VBAC.

    DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
    Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
    ~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~
  • I am about a week behind you in my pregnancy, but I am in the same boat. I WANT a VBAC. I had a c-section with my daughter due to the fact that she was breech. My doctor fully supports my decision and she said I am the perfect candidate having about a 95% chance of success. The fact that my doctor has been so supportive makes me feel really good about the decision. I live in Wisconsin and VBACs are encouraged at most hospitals here. I agree that it might depend on where in the US you live, and also the medical advancements of the hospital.
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