Sorry if my question is dumb but I?m starting to look into the whole CD world for my first baby due in May?..Where do you buy NB CD? In my small world all there is is babies r us, that said, do you bring them to the hospital are nurses cool with that? Please recommend yours and tell me about your experience with them? Thanks a bunch!
Re: For newborns
You will probably want to buy new NB CDs online at a CD specialty store. However, a lot of us would recommend buying NB dipes used. They usually are still in good shape, and you save a ton of $ that way. Craigslist is usually your cheapest, but you can also check here, Spots, Diaperswappers and even eBay.
Congrats on your pregnancy!
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama