
Need gift ideas for 1 year old and 3 year old girls

 could easily figure out what to buy for boys, but I could definitely use some ideas for the girls.  We have two parties coming up.  What do you 1 and 3 year old girls love to play with?  The more specific you can be the better! Thanks!

Re: Need gift ideas for 1 year old and 3 year old girls

  • my girls are nearly 2 and 4 and anything for their babies would be great.  strollers, bottles, diapers, clothes.  also, most 3 year olds are into princess stuff (dress up, dolls, figurines).

    good luck!  pink and sparkly is good, too:) 

  • Ditto akaoct on the doll stuff.? Also for the 3 y/o dress up clothes, play jewelry, and those B.pop-arty beads from Target that everyone on here loves.? For the 1 y/o Little People sets are always nice and so are books.??
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  • I usually try to go w the pink fisher-price bubble mower, shopping cart, vacum cleaner, pocketbook w the fake accessories, little people has a cute pink school bus and airplane.
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