
Since we're talking food... meatloaf recipe pls

I've made it once and it was horribly mushy.  Mushy meat=so freaking gross!  But, my husband likes it so I'm willing to try again with a killer recipe.

Re: Since we're talking food... meatloaf recipe pls

  • I made this last week and it's the best recipe I've found.  I really liked it!

  • I love my meat loaf!

    This is off the top of my head:

    1 lb gound beef

    1/2 tube of sausage (I use Owen's Hot.  It gives it a nice kick).

    A few stalks of celery

    Green bell pepper

    Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder (the original recipe calls for a real onion but DH and I aren't fond of onion). Use as much or as little as you like.

    Shot of ketchup

    Splash of milk

    20 crackers broken by hand real fine or throw in the food processor

    1 egg whipped

    I chop up the bell pepper and celery and put it in a food processor and get it nice and fine since DH doesn't like the bell pepper in big pieces.  You can throw the onion in as well if you want to use a real onion.

    I throw all the ingredients in a big bowl and mix it up really well with my hands.

    Put it in a loaf pan and cover with foil at 350 for an hour.  Take the foil off and drain the grease and pour a can of Rotel (tomatoes and green chilis mild) on top.  Cook an additional 30 mins...I usually take it out after about 20 mins.  I usually scrape the Rotel off because I'm not a fan of chunks of tomatoes but I love the flavor it gives the meat loaf so I always use it. 

    Liam is 5!
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  • i dont do recipes really  but i always add bbq sauce in the meatloaf and then put some on top for the last fifteen minutes or so, it caramelizes and rocks.....I generally mix meat, saltines, an egg, mustard and ketchup and veggies if you choose.
  • I make a turkey loaf that's really good. I like firm meatloaf, too.

    1 lb. lean ground turkey

    1 egg

    1/4 cup ketchup

    splash of soysauce

    1/2 box of Stovetop Stuffing for Turkey(dry mix. Don't prepare it first).

    Mix all ingredients, shape into loaf and cook at 350-375 for 40 minutes.


    I serve it with cranberry sauce over the top and mashed potatoes. It's like a Weeknight Thanksgiving=)

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  • This one is easy and turns out well.  It cooks faster as muffins vs. a loaf, too.

    I use ground turkey and oatmeal (dry) instead of saltines, though.


    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Here's the one I've done a few times in the past.  It's pretty good, but gives me terrible heartburn:

  • I don't have a recipe since I just make it up as I go along, but I make them in my muffin tins like shouldbeworkin suggested. The kids love them that way, too!
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