Two Under 2

May be joining you and ?

I think I may be pregnant with #2.  I went to the clinic a couple days ago, and they told me it was negative and asked me what my symptoms were that made me think I was.  After I told them they said it was probably early and to come back in a few weeks.  My question is; if you BFed #1; when did you start to think you were preg with #2?  I just got AF back at the beginning of this month, but it was a lot more like minor spotting, and then the same thing happened a few days ago.  I'm trying to figure it out since I don't go back to the clinic until the 4th.  When I found out about CB, I was 5-6 weeks along.  Does it typically follow that same timeline for 2?  Sorry if TMI, I'm just really trying to figure this out.

Re: May be joining you and ?

  • I BFed until DS was 4 months. Got AF back maybe a month after, but then had the Mirena put in. Had it taken out almost a year later and had one cycle. Had my first positive test at 4 weeks along. I was also about 4 weeks along when I found I was pregnant with #1 too.
  • I bf'd until LO was 11.5 months -- I got one period 6 weeks after I weaned completely. I got a positive pregnancy test about 5-6 weeks after that. I think I ovulated late and have an u/s on tuesday to date this pregnancy.
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