
Name Poll

I asked this on the 2nd tri board but also wanted to get the opinions of my fellow MoMs. :)

WDYT of the name Isaiah?

And if you like it, any name suggestions for Isaiah's brother? So far DH has really been loving the names Will and Elijah, but are "Will and Isaiah" too much of a contrast? Are Isaiah and Elijah too much alike? ;) Any other ideas?
fraternal twin boys born january 2009

Re: Name Poll

  • I really like Will and Elijah together.  I do think that Isaiah and Elijah are too much alike.  It all depends on what you're going for. 
  • Yeah, I really don't think I'd do Isaiah with Elijah--that's just TOO "Old Testament prophets" for me. But Isaiah seems so OT to me that it's hard for me to think of a name it sounds good with. 
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • I really do like Isaiah although I agree that it's a bit much with Elijah. I do like the sound of Will. You could do William and Isaiah?
  • I agree with others that Isaiah and Elijah are a lot a like.  I think that Will and Elijah are a great combo.
  • I think Isaiah and Elijah are too similar.  I've got an Abby and Lily and it actually bothers me a little how similar they sound - it never occured to me before I had them, since their formal names don't sound close at all!

    Of all three, I think I like Will and Elijah best.
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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